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Rust Material Rust Material

Roughly following along with a YouTube tutorial I hand-rolled this simple rust material from scratch.

A Suzanne monkey with a rust material applied

Material Nodes

The material nodes were laid out into a few groups. This made the view a bit neater and easier to navigate.

Here we have two masks and three layers:

Each of these layers output three values:

Each of the three layers gets mixed with the next one using two “Big Mixer” instances before having the three mixed set of values plugged into the Principled BSDF. The two masks are plugged into each mixer node and the second one’s factor is also connected to the shader’s Metallic input to differentiate the shading between the rust and the paint layers.

The material nodes laid out in different groups

The paint and rust layers

The three layers are basically the same: A noise texture fed into three color ramps: Diffuse, Roughness, Bump. The Bump node is also added to set the specific layer’s bump strength.

The material nodes laid out in different groups

The mask layer

The mask layer is a distorted noise texture with a binary (black and white) output thanks to the Greater Than math node. There is a auxiliary noise texture on the left. The XYZ values are offset by 0.5 to center the zero-to-one range around the zero point. Then it gets added to the incoming texture normal with a bit of scaling to dial in the strength.

The material nodes laid out in different groups

The mixer group

Despite being labeled as “Big Mixer”, the group is fairly simple:

This creates a harsh edge between the A and B inputs. For the bump an extra edge on the limit of the mask gets added as well.

The material nodes laid out in different groups

And that is a fairly simple rust material. Just a few basic nodes connected together to make something promising.